Can Vaginal Prolapse Cause Urinary Incontinence?

Can Vaginal Prolapse Cause Urinary Incontinence?

Vaginal Prolapse

It can be very empowering for people to take their health into their own hands, and it is often something doctors encourage. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there, and with the explosion in self-proclaimed experts online, some people can be getting the wrong advice in managing their bladder sensitivity.

What are the different kinds of prolapse?

  •  Cystocele — occurs when your bladder prolapses into the front of your vagina
  •  Rectocele — occurs when your rectum prolapses into the rear of your vagina
  •  Uterine Prolapse — occurs when your uterus prolapses into the top of your vagina
  •  Enterocele — occurs after a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) when your small intestines prolapses into the top of your vagina

What causes prolapse?

Prolapse occurs when there is a weakness in your pelvic muscles and the supporting tissues. Any number of factors and combinations of factors can cause prolapse including:

  • pregnancies and multiple vaginal childbirths
  • loss of muscle or tissue tone after menopause and your body’s loss of oestrogen
  • weakening of your pelvic muscles with old age
  • chronic cough
  • constipation
  • heavy lifting and over straining
  • obesity
  • major surgery in your pelvic area
  • abnormalities of the connective tissues

What are the symptoms of prolapse?

Less severe forms of prolapse may only be discovered by a doctor during a vaginal examination and can often occur without any symptoms. Normally, no further treatment is necessary. However, if you have a more severe form of prolapse, you may experience:

  • a vaginal lump
  • a visible lump protruding from your vagina which may occur at the end of the day or with strenuous activity
  • vaginal discharge and bleeding
  • difficulties in passing urine, poor urine flow and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder
  • urinary incontinence
  • difficulties in emptying the bowel
  • difficulties with or feeling uncomfortable during sex
  • having to press on the prolapse with a finger in your vagina to help pass urine or stools

Does prolapse cause urinary incontinence?

The weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and supportive tissues that cause prolapse can also cause stress incontinence — which is why the two conditions are often found together. Your doctor may suggest surgery to repair the prolapse and prevent stress incontinence.

A large prolapse can create a kink in the urethra and hide the problem of urinary incontinence. When the prolapse is repaired or pushed back into position with a pessary, urinary incontinence can occur.

If incontinence is persistent or still a concern, it can easily be managed with the Depend® range of incontinence products.

What treatments are available for prolapse?


Less severe forms of prolapse may not require any treatment. Your doctor may adopt a ‘wait and see’ approach and suggest some ongoing Kegel exercises to keep your pelvic floor tight. More advanced prolapses can be treated non-surgically with a vaginal pessary — a small plastic device inserted into your vagina to support any prolapsed muscle or tissue and reposition it correctly.

Which treatment option is best for you?

Your best treatment option is dependent upon a thorough evaluation of the prolapse by your doctor and consideration of multiple factors including:

  • the severity of your prolapse
  • the severity of your symptoms
  • a desire for more children, or a preference for retaining your uterus
  • any previous surgery for prolapse
  • consideration of the potential risks/complications of any the treatment options

What can you do to protect yourself?

Doctors and medical experts believe some of the following measures might help prevent your prolapse from getting any worse and may help prevent any recurrence of prolapse after surgical treatment:

  • if you smoke, stop immediately
  • perform regular Kegel exercises
  • stay active and maintain a healthy weight
  • try to avoid heavy lifting and straining where possible

Kimberly-Clark makes no warranties or representations regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information. This information should be used only as a guide and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional medical or other health professional advice.

Take back control with Depend®

Designed to fit your body shape and delivered in discreet packaging, Depend® offers a range of incontinence products for women including pads and pants, plus a great range for men too.

Explore our range today to find the right product for you, and take back control.